Necessary Tools for Travel

As George is a consummate traveler, he has developed a style that works well for him, and it is definitely George.  There are always certain things he does, and certain things he takes with him.  Here are a few tips of his that can help any traveler...

Traveling Tips

1)  Know where you start out from.  Your journey may not have a destination, or it may have several destinations, but if you know where you started from, you will have one point of reference.

2)  Always know your name.  You may not use it, but always know it.  This will be helpful in keeping your identities straight as you will have one you are sure about.
3)  No matter how little sleep you have had, always look bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Smiling helps too.


Things to Take With You

1)  Compass.  No mater where you are, you will always know where north is, and in knowing that, you can always follow that path, and know that eventually, it will lead you to snow and ice.

2)  Walking Stick.  If ever you end up having to hoof it from one place to another, a walking stick will make it easier to go over the many hills, valleys, downtown city drunks, and muggers to get to your destination.



3)  Knapsack.  This is a good place to carry any essentials, like peanut butter, or dandelions.  It can also be used as a pillow if you need to lay down for a spell. 

4)  Brush.  This is essential to keep you from having that wind-blown look if you've been out in the elements.  It is also good if you've been at the beach.  Getting that sand out of one's fur can be a real pain without one.

5)  Lucky Rabbits Foot.  It may not have been lucky for the rabbit, but it sure will keep him from chasing after you.

6)  Sunglasses.  These are a handy safety item.  You put them on while crossing a highway at night. They keep you from being blinded by the headlights.

7)  Mirror.  This is useful for seeing what is behind you, over your shoulder, or around a corner.  It is also good for reflecting on your trip.

8)  Towel.  The multi-functional towel is used to in so many situations, that its uses are too many to list.  Leave it simply to be said, never go anywhere without your towel.