The point of affirmations is to affirm belief on yourself and your ability to do things. Initially when someone read these, they may not believe any of them. But by reading them daily, they may start to agree with one here, or another over there. Eventually, they wll believe all of them. Feel free to add to these as needed.
I love and approve of myself exactly as I am.
I have the ability to change my state of mind.
I see opportunity in everything.
I am a valuable asset to my friends and family.
I am safe and protected wherever I go.
My gifts and abilities get stronger every day.
I handle problems and adversities with ease.
I learn from every experience in my life.
I am an extremely happy person.
I am a good person.
I am worthy of good things happening to me.
I accept the challenges of life and handle them with skill and confidence.
My consistent mindful touching of people and life both protects me from burnout and enhances my ability to help heal others.
I will meet people where they are, and in the meeting, restore their life because they are met
Instead of wasting energy on fear, I will use energy creating positive outcomes.
Just as I help heal others, I can help heal myself as I am worth the same amount of love and attention.
I will trust in spirit to guide me on the proper path and to keep me safe and doing what I am supposed to be doing..
In order to transform others, I must first transform myself.
I have only love and compassion for others, anything else is a waste.
I can only give what I have.
I am the master of my fate.
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
The Force will be with me, always.
Healer, Heal Thyself.
I Can Handle It!!