My Friend
(author's name witheld by request)
I had been helping someone a long way away for some time. Although we have never met face to face, we have grown very close, and she has become a very dear friend. She wrote this to me, for me. It means so much to me, that I had to post it here. She asked that it go unsigned. So I honor that request, as this has honored me.
I was alone and in pain,
It hurts it hurts
So alone and in pain
Then along he came,
This friend of mine.
I told him it hurts it hurts,
He sat me down,
He talked to me,
He said he'd never let me down,
This friend of mine.
Together we walked,
Together we talked,
We explored the pain,
I cried, I felt those tears of pain,
He stayed with me
This friend of mine.
I cried , I screamed,
I stamped my feet,
I swore at him with all my might,
He held me close and helped me to feel safe,
This friend of mine.
He stayed with me,
When it got rough,
I asked him for a little help,
He gave me all he had.
This friend of mine.
Slowly surely we walked,
Sometimes together,
Sometimes apart,
All the while,
He stayed with me,
This friend of mine.
He held my hand,
He kept me safe,
He showed me how to trust again,
He saved me from myself,
This friend of mine.
He walked with me through long and lonely nights,
He helped me through the pain,
He helped me let go of the anger,
He helped me let go of the hurt,
This friend of mine.
When the pain got bad he said its okay,
You'll be fine,
Your doing okay,
He went down with me, together we came up,
This friend of mine and me.
No more tears of guilt,
No more tears from this pain,
He showed me what pure unconditional love is,
For all of this, and more
I love this Friend of mine.