I wrote out a story about the lights in the yard and was looking for a second hook when this came to me. I work in energies, and talk about growth, and hope, and many positive things. So, I decided to put it into the second poem, and this just flowed.
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a spirit was stirring, not even the Gauss.*
The candles were burning by the fireplace with care,
In hopes that the holiday spirits would soon be there.
Into bed we went, comfy blankets we’d choose,
And settling in for a long winters snooze.
I was set on some sleep, crossing the astral plane,
But sleep wasn’t coming, it was quite a strain.
My mind raced and it roamed for what seemed like hours,
How big? How old? What were the names of those flowers?
Everything inconsequential was coming to mind,
Like a toy had been wound, and now started to unwind.
Now all of a sudden, I was completely awake,
There was a noise, a shaking, maybe an earthquake.
Had some spirits arrived? Had we made some offense?
Was it past, present, and future? Man it was tense.
But the sound came more clearly, a rapping on the roof,
Like many a beast tapping each one of their hoofs.
I ran from the bed, tripped over the dog,
Landed by the fireplace in front of the Yule log.
A noise came from the chimney, and I quickly jumped back,
There stood a man dressed in red holding a very large sack.
He smiled when he saw me, “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten.
I thought I’d drop in to see if this place I could brighten.
He slowly looked the place over, taking it all in,
Then thought for some time, scratching his bearded chin.
An idea did form, a smile coming to his face,
In that moment he knew what to do with the place.
“The spirits have spoken, given me an idea or two,
We’ll change some things over so Christmas isn’t blue.
Some powerful, healing energy is what this place needs,
We can get things to grow just by sowing some seeds.”
“Here is love for the holidays, and hope for the New Year,
And we’ll wipe away anything that could be causing fear.
And then there’s change and growth, and some other good stuff,
Now throw in promise, joy, and happiness just off the cuff.”
He turned from me now, summoning spirit helpers so quick,
And I knew this high spirit was good old ‘Saint Nick’.
Admiring his work when it was done, he said, “This will do.
Now I need to go off to the next in the queue.”
“Sorry I can’t stay longer, I hope you’re not offended.”,
He turned back towards the fire, and up the chimney he ascended.
He mounted his sleigh, and all the tapping did stop,
It was quiet again, a pin you could hear drop.
His team jumped to the air and then headed away,
Leaving us to face the promise of another day.
But I heard him exclaim as he travelled from view,
“Merry Christmas to all, and may the Etheric Force be with you!”
*Gauss - unit of magnetic flux density
2022 by
and Shirley Dean