Each year, we spend 3-4 days putting out our lights and decorations. We're noticed form space. But the yard is starting to get crowded.
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the yard,
All the decorations were out ’cause I’d worked really hard.
They were shiny and bright, and all in your face,
I’m sure they are tracking them from the station in space.
Everything was out from previous years,
The fact they’d lit up, dissuaded our fears.
The flamingos in place, yes, they are the stars,
They look like they’re ready to fly off to Mars.
They were pulling a sleigh with a driver so quick,
It’s a small beagle dog, that’s right, Snoopy Nick.
There are many decorations in all types of critters,
Seeing so many sometimes gives me the jitters.
There’s Dino Martin, a small dinosaur,
Who looks cuddly and doesn’t have much of a roar.
Then there’s a llama, Fernando by name,
Who’s cute as a button as most people exclaim.
There’s a family of deer roaming in the woods,
And a wagon full of toys that’s got all the goods.
Farm animals and reindeer all in one place,
Anything we could get to fill up the space.
We have doggies and gators to liven things up,
Most are all grown not any are pups.
There are three trees including palm and willow,
Each shining bright but with soft glow like a pillow.
We put the lights out, looking for that right feel,
And the connections are all covered with Glad Press ‘n’ Seal.
We got them all out, and all of them working,
But little did we know there was a big problem lurking.
The clouds gave way to a torrential rain,
Leaving us with nothing but one big pain.
Several connections got wet, and the breakers did pop,
That brought it all up to sudden, screeching stop.
It took a day of dry weather, and the problems to be found,
And time patching them up then a good once around.
But the lights are working and we’re keeping good thought,
And hoping they keep doing so weather or not.
Each year, we add more, what we find on our way,
The problem though is where they all go in the fray.
There are lights on the tress, lights on the fence,
Much of it works but some doesn’t make sense.
We keep finding cute things that look so fantastic,
Though when the electric bill comes, we won’t be so ecstatic.
Things are so bright, so much meeting the eye,
If the block should go dark, I’m sure we’ll know why.
As I was standing, admiring all my handiwork,
Something landed on the roof making me turn with a jerk.
But what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a man and a sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
He walked to the chimney, and down he did go,
It was so smooth, no ebb, just flow.
Then he walked out the door, and gave me a smile,
“I haven’t seen this many lights in quite a while.”
“It’s good to see holiday spirit come back around,
And here it is all in one small patch of ground.
Now, I’ve come to add to your mystical glow,
Take these seven ornaments. You’ll like them I know.”
With a wink of his eye, he went back in the house,
I hope he didn’t disturb the wife or the mouse.
And then a second later, he was back on the roof,
Where he did a little bow, a dance, and acted such a goof.
The next thing I knew, they all took to the sky,
Then turned around, coming back to do a fly by.
And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all, may your nights always be light.”
Now where am I going to put all these new ornaments?
2022 by
and Shirley Dean