Universes Mixing, Getting Tangled

A Universally Mixed Up

Night Before Christmas



We thought of our favorite sci0fi shows, and how we could hop between each one.













































T’was the night before Christmas, some light years away,
The universes were colliding, I should not delay.
Form and function, and modalities they mixed,
I must follow each clue to find a key and then fix.

I needed to search, to turn over each rock,
Then listen to logic from some guy named Spock.
Each would lead to a place out of space and of time,
But I needed to hurry, so I wouldn’t get behind.

The first said to follow a path at warp 8,
I used Plan 9 so I wouldn’t be late.
But backstep I had to, as I missed my mark,
And ended up so totally in the dark.

Working my way back toward the light,
I saw that I was in the middle of a fight.
Humans were fighting aliens, trying to stay alive.
I read the sign on the wall, this place was Babylon 5.

Seek the Vorlon I heard for a poignant conversation.
His quarters were somewhere on this space station.
When I found him, he seemed like a towering brute,
Not taking any chances in his encounter suit.

The clue you seek, here can not be found.
You must book passage on something outbound.
You can rest assured, the truth is out there.
You just need to get to there from here.

So I booked on a freighter, Serenity by name,
Whose crew could be considered slightly insane.
Captain Reynolds said to stand straight, to not be so whiny.
And soon everything would turn out so very nice and shiny.

I was dropped on a planet, farthest from galactic center.
At an unusual spaceport, Mos Eisley, did I enter.
I was told to seek a Jedi, his name, Obi-Wan.
But I felt being used like some useless little pawn.

But find him I did. He just held up a finger and quoted the source.
Your search is good, and find it you will if you just use the Force.
So I let go of my anger, reached out with my feelings.
It did most of the work, and I found this appealing.

I saw a fleet of humans fighting to survive,
Against a race of machines who were not alive.
The battlestar, it protected and their vipers, they fought.
They were like me, as it was earth that they sought.

I fought with the humans, this clue didn’t come cheap,
And then some quantum entanglement caused me to leap.
I felt I was getting close, it was home I needed to phone,
But I felt like I was in an old episode of the Twilight Zone.

I tried to get my bearings, but things were hard to define,
As the vertical and horizontal had totally intertwined.
I was again on some bridge, a starship so aglow.
The captain looked at me and said, “Make it so.”

And then I was in a tall building, that glowed a wonderful green.
And this big head was talking, it was quite a scene.
The head was telling me “Ignore the man behind the curtain.”
But I shouldn’t do that, of this I was certain.

I asked the man to help me find my way home.
“Well that’s simple.”, he said, “There’s no place like Gnome.”
“Not Gnome,” I replied.  “I want the place I am from.”
“It was a joke,” he said.  “I know exactly from whence you come.”

“You’ve always had the ability as long as you believe.
It is focus, and attention to create the spell you should weave.”
I clicked my heels three times, and placed my finger aside my nose.
And suddenly, with a whoosh, through the stargate I rose.

I landed in my home, all the universes in alignment.
Everything just as they should be, but with a little refinement.
As it’s said, travelling the cosmos is not for the faint of heart.
Next time I’ll have to make sure I get an earlier start.

But now safe and sound, and on Christmas eve.
I must go to bed, so I will now take my leave.
But I leave you this thought as I give in to the night,
Merry Christmas to all and fight the good fight.






Copyright Ó 2024 by

Brian and Shirley Dean 

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