Flying Saucers

A Christmas Story

(Of The Third Kind)


Not really loving the way the first idea came together, I embarked on another (actually, this was the 4th idea).  I started out wondering what to write on, then thought that walking the dog would clear my mind and open it to possibilities.  At that moment, the idea of a UFO coming to visit seemed appropriate.  I mean, we always joke about our house being so lit up that you could see it from space.  (Maybe Google Earth should be photographing the brightest houses this time of year.)  Once this idea hit, it just flowed.  A few changes from Shirley, and here we have it.














































T’was the night before Christmas,
the sky was quite clear,
The Geminid meteor shower was near,
I thought, what a good time to go out with the dog,
And pick up some wood to have a Yule log.

I looked at everything, the wonders all round,
The bright lights of decorations amid snow on the ground.
And then I saw it, a wonderful sight,
A bright light moving across the starry night.

It turned and it slowed, and headed this way,
This wasn’t on my agenda for anytime today.
As it got closer, I saw it, a great circular shape,
My mouth hung open, all I could do was gape.

It came in real close, hovered over the house,
To it, I was small, like a little church mouse.
I looked up amazed, it was a flying saucer,
To tell this, I wish I’d the skill of Chaucer.

The disc gleamed as it hovered, a beautiful sight,
At that moment I thought
this should cause me some fright.
A beam of light shined on us, and the outside disappeared,
We were suddenly inside which was something I feared.

Though it was kinda cool, like beam me up, Scotty,
It was that moment the dog decided to go potty.
I hoped they weren’t expecting me to clean up the mess,
As I couldn’t seem to move, the likelihood grew less.

And then, there approached, a short, thin, gray guy,
The breath I was holding came out in a sigh.
His black eyes were big, and oh, how they shined,
I thought for a moment I was losing my mind.

His small mouth had a delicate curve,
The longer I stood there, I could feel every nerve.
He led us away on a circuitous route,
He said, “Right in here, we’ll check you out.”

Horror raced through my brain from front to back lobes,
Was this the point that I would be probed?
But he pointed to a chair and just said, “Please sit.”,
The dog looked at me like, “Will both of us fit?
I sat in the chair, the dog at my feet,
Looking around for something to eat.
I looked at the alien, perplexed as could be,
What could it be that he wanted to see.

“Who are you?  What do you want? 
Why have you called us here?”
The alien asked, his manner didn’t endear.
It was a blur what he was saying, it didn’t make sense,
I have to admit I was feeling pretty dense.

What do you mean, “I called you?”  I don’t understand,
A good range of the language, I couldn’t command.
“Your lights outside, the sign is specific,
It is a call to our people for something terrific.”

“There were so many lights,
we could see them from space,
That’s why we came down to this backwater place.
It was an invite to a party, of that we were sure,
We really thought your intentions were pure.”
“A call to your people?  That’s not what I intended,
They’re just holiday lights
that I hoped would look splendid.
I certainly wasn’t asking for you to come call,
I just threw them out, figured they’d be good where they fall.”

The alien was shocked, in fact quite dismayed,
All from the holiday lights I’d displayed.
He twittered and tweeted, and then shook his head,
It was at that moment when I filled with dread.

The alien said that they’d come here for fun,
Since none was around, their business was done.
We were returned to the room where we first arrived,
The aliens weren’t happy, their plans had nosedived.

One pushed a button and then pulled a chain,
And then me, dog, and mess were back home again.
Then in a moment some type of ray shot about,
And half of my lights just flickered out.

And just as silently as it had arrived,
The ship disappeared, I’m glad we survived.
We went back inside to find a man by our tree,
He was dressed all in red from hat down to knees.

He looked at me slowly, you could say kind of sheepish,
“I’m sorry. Seeing me like this must seem quite freakish.”
I said, “This is nothing.  Let’s call it a win.”,
“You really should see where I have just been”

Copyright Ó 2017 by

Brian and Shirley Dean




























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