Sci Fi Reference Key

This is where we match objects and quotes to shows or movies.

















The Enterprise, Kirk – Star Trek

Droids, Han Solo, Chewbacca – Star Wars

Sam Beckett, Leap – Quantum Leap

Mork, Nanu Nanu – Mork and Mindy

Swiss Army Knife, MacGyvered – MacGyver

Trans Am, KITT, Turbo Boost – Knight Rider

Space Station Babylon 5, Battle between Light and Dark – Babylon 5

Danger Will Robinson – Lost in Space

Rod Serling, Twilight Zone – The Twilight Zone

The Horizontal and Vertical – The Outer Limits

Cylons – Battlestar Galactica

M M M Max Headroom – Max Headroom
Serenity, Mal, aimed to misbehave – Firefly , Seenity

Stargate – Stargate, Stargate SG-1

Floating buildings, man on a treadmill, Jane, stop this crazy machine – The Jetsons

Man in sunglasses, I’ll be bach – Terminator

Slid to another dimension – Sliders

Blue Box, #4 (the Tom Baker Doctor), scarf – Doctor Who

88 mile per hour, Doc Brown –Back to the Future