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A Christmas Story

For the 21st Century


A single verse came to me 10 days before Christmas.  The thought of Santa operating like the rest of the world... scheduling deliveries, notifications by email, tracking his flight.  It worked and came out interesting.













































T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
The computer was quiet and so was the mouse.
The smart phones were on vibrate, the tablets asleep,
Waiting for anything that might cause them to beep.

The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care,
Knowing that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The website had been checked, not once, but twice,
So we knew we were all on the list that said “Nice”.

The dogs were asleep, the cat was purring,
As she had this dream that kept recurring.
I knew that I soon should be going to bed,
But there still were some things rattling round in my head.

I headed to the computer to do some research,
The screensaver showed snow covering a birch.
I moved the mouse and then opened a browser
Which was such a dog they nick-named it “schnauzer”.

I went first to the website,
Where they tracked Santa’s flight on a global Tom Tom.
They showed the sleigh’s progress as it swept cross the lands,
Moving north, then west, filling all the demands.

I opened up Santa’s personal Facebook page
To see all the postings, too many to gauge.
I looked at the counter that showed millions of likes,
I’ll bet that gave their servers some really high spikes.

I next checked my inbox, that would tell the tale,
It immediately popped up and said “You’ve got mail!”
There was the message telling when Santa’d arrive,
I clicked on it to open and it came alive.

“This is your notification for your service call.
A four hour window goes out to all.
Between 12am and 4am is what we’ve predicted,
Unless Santa’s other deliveries get him conflicted.”

So I put things on standby, it was time for some sleep,
Off to bed I went, set on counting the sheep.
It was not very long before I was dreaming
About watching some video that my computer was streaming.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter.
I got out of bed to see what was the matter.
I heard a ping and a whistle then a chirp-chirping noise.
I thought maybe the dog was playing with his toys.

I looked out the window, and what should appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.
I then saw the driver, so dexterous, so quick,
I knew in an instant it must be St. Nick.

He looked to his deer, his smart phone did flame,
Then he twittered and tweeted and texted their names.
On Dasher, on Dancer, on Comet on Stupid.
“Bloody auto-correct!  I meant to say Cupid.”

On Blitzen, on Vixen, on Prancer and Goner.
“Blast it! Not again. That was supposed to be Donner.
He threw down his cell and started to bawl,
“Now dash away, dash away, dash away all.”

The deer started running and leapt to the sky.
It looked like some very well done CGI.
Around they went and then up on the roof,
I could hear the prancing and pawing of each tiny hoof.

Then from the fake fireplace there came a sound,
And St. Nicholas crashed and came out with a bound.
He was quite good, I’ll have to admit.
The virtual fire didn’t hurt him a bit.

He just lit up the room, his outfit did shine,
With tons of L-E-Ds worked in so fine.
I mused for a moment of how it did glow,
He must have told his tailor to just “Make it sew.”

He gave me a wink and then went to his work,
Putting out presents while wearing a smirk.
In a second he went over, finished milk and cookies,
He looked at me, “What? You think I’m a rookie?”

He moved to the fireplace, his finger ‘side his nose,
A bang, and a crash, and up the chimney he rose.
But I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,
“Happy texting to all, and to all a Good Byte!”

Copyright 2012 by

Brian and Shirley Dean













































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