Tiny Story

A Tiny Little Christmas Story


I was lost for ideas when Shirley threw out a line "and all through the 'burg'". I immediately answered it and came up with a mouse named Ferg. Then it sat for three weeks util I realized I neded to do this from the point of view of the mouse. We've done them from the dog's point of view, so why not?








































T’was the night before Christmas
and all through the ‘burg,
Not a creature was stirring
including the mouse named Ferg.
He had settled deep into his tiny mouse bed
While visions of cheesy puffs danced through his head.

He dreamed of this, and wondered of that,
Of chasing the dogs and running from the cat.
His life it was simple in his hole under the stairs,
Just cozy and comfy without any fears.

The dogs were just silly, cowardly things,
He would run right under them, zing, zing, zing.
The cat, he would taunt, going this way and that,
But it was mostly lazy, and a little bit fat.

Now the humans were unique, of that he was sure.
Two big ones, two little, not covered in fur.
It was the time of year that they did things quite strange.
They moved things around, a total rearrange.

They brought in this tree, and covered it with balls,
Then hung holly around so it covered the walls.
Ferg just didn’t understand it, to him it made no sense,
These things would come in, and then shortly, return whence

But now, it was quiet, all asleep in their beds,
Reaching for dreams and pulling at threads.
When out on the lawn, was a sound so peculiar,
It was so crisp, so clear, he could measure it with a ruler.

It sounded like chimes, or bunches of bells,
He couldn’t be sure, he just couldn’t tell.
He scurried from his hole and went on the prowl,
Hoping the cat wouldn’t come up with a menacing growl.

He saw on the lawn, a human with a sleigh,
And wondered if this person had lost his way.
But them something strange happened to arise,
As the human, the team, and sleigh took to the skies.

Then there was a sound from up on the roof,
The pawing and clumping of many a small hoof.
The humans were in bed, quite comatose,
Like they’d taken their meds and added a dose.

The dogs were asleep in their beds oh so soft,
The cat, atop her perch, oblivious, yet aloft
When out of the chimney, a human did appear,
He was dressed in red and seemed full of good cheer.

He glanced down at Ferg, and gave a strange smirk,
Then looked at the tree and went to his work.
He looked to his sack, and started pulling out things,
Which all floated to the tree as if they had wings.

The human then turned to the cookies and milk,
Which Ferg had sampled, they had gone down like silk.
He ate what remained then gave Ferg a look,
“I think you’ll agree, my compliments to the cook.”

Then he moved to the hearth, his finger by his nose,
And with a wink and a smile, up the chimney he rose.
Ferg stood there befuddled, not sure what he’d seen,
Then his eye caught the packages,
many more than fourteen.

There were gifts for the humans, the bigs and the littles,
Ferg sniffed over a few, and then knew one was skittles.
There was a gift for the cat, and one for each dog,
And there was one marked “Mouse”, a giant cheese log.

Ferg ran to the window as the sleigh started to lift,
He wanted to thank the human for his wonderful gift.
But he heard the man say as he flew from the house,
“Merry Christmas to all, including the mouse.”





Copyright Ó 2016 by

Brian and Shirley Dean









































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