2000Taking a cue from the previous year, We dealt with predictions that we all thought would come true by the year 2000. We took one poke at politics since this year had seen the worst cat fight in a long time. We had candidates Bush and Gore arguing over hanging chads. Our poke was to refer to them as Gush and Bore. We also asked questions about what will come true in the future. Since this year was the start of the true millennium, we had to throw in one more reference to Arthur C. Clarke. At any rate, the predictions were fun.
T’was the night before Christmas, at the end of the millennium, The real one this time, not last year’s marketing stupid-endium. It’s a time for relaxing, and wondering with care, What the New Year might bring: new hopes, new dares. Would this year be happy, or would it be sad, What predictions are true, some good, some bad. I lay here wondering what dreams might come, And what can I add here to have a little fun. I think of the dreams that they said would come true, By the end of the millennium, for me, and for you. How our cars would fly to get us to work, Where coffee would be ready with one single perk. The food we would eat, would come in pill form, Just rub them in your hands for dinner that’s warm. For work we’d push buttons on some mega-computer, Which would process the info like some big Roto-Rooter. Our two party system would be programmed into digits, Enough to make today’s candidates fidget. Elections would be easy, and honest, and more, And we’d hear not a sound from either Gush or Bore. But what of the disasters said looming ahead, And all the predictions to fill us with dread? So what will now come, be it feast or famine. And where is my psychic? He ran out, doggone him. The Y2K bug has come and has gone, Only a few computers had things go wrong. What of the earthquakes and storms, will they pass, And will we get out of their way really fast? There are better dreams that could come true, Ones with more colors, more textures, more hues. Will the future bring us peace, and cities in space Will there be help for this old human race. Will there be people living on the moon, And what of the monolith they’ll find there some June? Will it show how we lived as apes in the past, Or show us our future with hope at last. Was Arthur C. Clarke a magician or poet I’m not really certain if he even knows it. He wrote of many things that sounded like fun, And like the millennium, they start in 2001. Or will we pilot starships though space and through time (Gee, I wish I could think of a much better rhyme.) Will interstellar business be on the rise, And what will become of your own enterprise? Will we be off in far distant places Celebrating the holidays with weird alien races? Or will we stay home and dream of the day When we get all our needs by shopping on E-Bay? Could there be no more malls, we’d all shop online, That would save us bundles of time. And what kind of gifts would we come upon? A super charged, low voltage, environmentally safe what-cha-ma-call-it, from Wal-Mart.com. How in the future will we all stay alive, Living on stations like Babylon 5? Will we live in galaxies far, far away, Or just pop in for an occasional stay? It’s fun to consider far future dreams, Which hopefully will be within our means. For now I wish you a good two thousand and one, Merry Christmas to all, and may the force be with us, every one. |
2000 by Brian and Shirley Dean