
A Christmas Story

You Can Sink Your Teeth Into


We asked... What is hot this year?  Well, vampires.  With the second Twilight movie out in theaters, The Vampire Diaries on TV, well, it just doesn't suck more than that.  What really sucks is that a couple of years ago Moonlight was cancelled, but that was not about teen vamps, so it was a different audience. 

So, at any rate, we managed to work in the titles of TV shows or movies including Transylvania 6-5000 which was inspired by a jazz song of the 60's calledPennsylvania 6-5000.

































T’was the night before Christmas, deep in Transylvania
Santa was lost, and thought - Pennsylvania?
As he flew over the country, with red sleigh in tow,
He wondered what people were sleeping below.

Had they been naughty, had they been nice,
Santa asked himself once, then maybe twice.
He flew down lower with his bag full of toys,
For all of the local little girls and boys.

Then he saw in the distance a huge stone castle,
He thought he could enter without too much hassle.
He called to his team as the sunlight did wane
And guided them on with a tug of the reigns.

On Dasher and Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen.
On Comet and Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen.
From the edge of the forest to the castle wall,
We’ll give out these presents to one and to all.

They settled on the roof just after Twilight,
With the New Moon rising, it was a dark night.
Santa went to the chimney and magicked right down,
He was truly surprised at what he then found.

The room was decorated, with a tree in the middle,
But that was only a part of the riddle.
Along all the walls stood coffins in line
To each was attached a stocking with twine.

Suddenly through the room there arose such a clatter,
Santa turned round to see what was the matter.
The lid of each coffin slowly did rise
And Santa just stared, with wide-opened eyes.

Within each one a figure did sit,
Santa wondered if it was time to split.
One approached with flourish, definitely not humdrum,
And in an accented voice, he said “Velcome!”

“Let me introduce myself.  I am Dracula, your host.”
Santa just looked at him, as if watching a ghost.
“These are my children, they all like the night.
They do so much better in the Moonlight.”

“But you have nothing to fear.  They are all little pearls.
And this year they’ve all been good bats and girls.
But if you’re unsure, and are still afraid,
Dialing Transylvania 6-5000 will get you aid.”

Santa thought once, and then thought twice,
How did he know if they’d been naughty or nice?
But he was shown proof, to match his inquiry,
Each ‘child’ had their own Vampire Diary.

So Santa opened his pack and handed out gifts,
He did it so quickly, he was ever so swift.
When he was done, and everyone was pleased,
He smiled, and he sighed, and the tension soon eased.

Dracula smoothed out his cape, “Won’t you stay for a bite?”
It’s just milk and cookies.  I hope that’s all right.”
The cookies were red, and the milk was strawberry,
Drac thought the color would make things quite merry.

Santa offered some cookies to his host as was right,
But Dracula never supped ‘til after midnight.
Then laying a finger aside of his nose,
A swish, and a flash, up the chimney he rose.

He jumped in his sleigh, and his team took to flight,
Back into the air, and the dark moonless night.
But Dracula heard him say “I wish you all luck,
And hope that you holidays truly don’t suck.”

Copyright Ó 2009 by

Brian and Shirley Dean

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