Well, I’ve created a new product, Massage Class for Couples. That’s right, I’m teaching massage now, but not for students looking to be massage therapists. I’m teaching the general public.
I had thought of this about 10 months ago, but had not gotten off my backside long enough to get it done. I’ve created a class to teach massage to couples. Now, I consider couples to be partners, married or other, male and female, male and male, or female and female. I’m looking at teaching this to people that have been together a little bit, not someone that is bringing his girl on their second date.
Basically, I am looking for two people that are comfortable with each other, and used to each other’s touch. I am also expecting them to be comfortable with each other’s nudity. No, I’m not asking them to be nude in class as there will be draping. I am asking for the one that is on the table to remove all their clothes as I will be showing moves on the entire back side of the body. If they do not completely undress, I can not show certain moves that they will want to do later when they are alone.
The class is four hours long and covers many things including health issues, contraindications, pressure and speed, draping (something I don’t think they’ll use at home), oils and lotions, and other things. I discuss massage terms (and these are all written in a handbook), showing them what each one is. In the book is a massage routine in text for them to take home and do (it’s what is taught in the class). (I figured that if I just showed them a routine, and let them go, they’d forget half of it when they went to try it. I also figured that I am better than I thought I was. A few days ago, I typed out a routine that I pulled off the top of my head. The routine takes one hour to do. Wow.)
I used my next door neighbors as guinea pigs. They really loved it. They thought the class was a wonderful idea. They loved the terms like Effleurage (long strokes) and Petrissage (kneading), but had trouble remembering them. As the story goes, my neighbor got home, and his wife had tight shoulders. She asked him to plie ( plee-ay) her shoulder. He smiled, did a nice ballet movement and ended with a ‘ta-da’.
I’m advertising it now and hoping I get some takers. Wish me luck. (For more information, go here.)