The British Style of Mediumship

There are a lot of mediums and a lot of different styles. The British style of mediumship has been considered the gold standard of mediumship for a long time due to regulation in Britain in the 1950s.

Mediumship used to be illegal in England for a period of time. Yet, there were a lot of practicing mediums working under the table illegally. At one gathering with a group of people in a private home, there was one person who was doing trance mediumship. Trance mediumship is a much deeper level where the person steps aside, and allows spirit to use their body to speak through. (This is what people like Esther Hicks does when she channels Abraham, or Lee Carroll does when he contacts Kryon.) The police had found out about the gathering and raided it while the medium was in deep trance. That medium died.

Through pressure, the government finally allowed mediums to work, but came out with legislation called the “Fraudulent Mediums Act” which demands that the medium prove to the person they are reading for that the person they have in spirit is who they say they are. It is because of this legislation that mediums came up with what is known today as the British style.

The British style involves bringing forth evidence as proof of whom they are talking with in spirit. This evidence can include what they look like, where they lived, their traits and mannerisms, certain things they liked, experiences they had, how they passed to spirit, and many other things. When watching nationally known psychic/medium, John Edward, this is the style he seems to use not that any one has ever definitively said he does the British style. But he does bring forth evidence to prove who he has. Once that has been established, he gives a message.

The American style has none of this. The medium simply says that they have someone here, and they give a message. There was a program on one time that was talking about mediumship and other psychic things. It showed a well known American medium who is very good sitting across form the person he is reading for. He told her, “Your mother is standing behind you. She is telling me that she loves you.” The first reaction to that was “Uhh, felgercarb.” There was no proof, so we just had to take his word for it.

This is the problem with American mediumship. Anyone can sit across from another person and tell them that a certain person is standing there, and pass on a message that is probably nondescript.

That is where the British style is better because the proof is in the evidence. Without the evidence, you have to take the medium’s word of who they have. The British style allows the reader to prove through the evidence that this is truly their loved one from the other side.