Click on the dates to see the entire posting.
August 13, 2016
It was the last day of the seminar, and it was a magical as the rest.
August 12, 2016
Day 2 of Master Mediumship Classes. Ok, now I'm worried. Spirit just backed a dump truck up to me and unloaded it.
August 11, 2016
I am now running on an energy high. I was in Day 1 of Eamonn Downey’s Master Mediumship class and did my first real trance.
August 2, 2016
When you first come in to Caring Palms, you are asked to fill out some paperwork, usually four or five pages. The information we look for is basic in a sense. We look for contact information so we can get a hold of you if we need to. We look for health information so we know what is going on with you, and so we don’t hurt you. We also ask where you heard of us so we know what advertising is working, and we ask you to read and sign a paper describing what is entailed in the session you are here to receive.
August 1, 2016
What do you know? What do you feel in your gut? What feels right to the base of your soul? Is this what you follow, or are you swayed to follow something else?
July 2, 2016
Yes, we live in a high tech world, and with that comes new world problems. Sometimes it takes old world skills to solve new world problems.
July 1, 2016
I was at a restaurant the other week. I was making a reservation, and the hostess asked for my phone number. When I gave it to her, she told me that I would be texted when our table was ready. I thought, “Wow. This place is really high tech.” But then again, isn’t that the way of the world now?
June 2, 2016
Lies. What is it about people that they think they need to lie? Why do so many companies feel that the best sales pitch involves lying?
June 1, 2016
There was a day when a lady booked our last appointment. She arrived and started filling out the paperwork for the massage therapist that rents a room here, although it clearly had her company name and not Caring Palms. When I came out of session, I introduced myself and told her that this was not our paperwork and I would get her the right forms in a moment. I poured a cup of water and took it into the client I had been working on since she was a little spacey after her Reiki session.
May 2, 2016
When we are young, we all want to change the world. We see the injustice, the anger, the hate. We see what is wrong, and we see it so clearly, so black and white. We have the energy and we have the drive. Some of us get out and protest. Some run for office. But most just complain.
May 1, 2016
I’m pretty sure that most of you can say that you ‘ve had events happen in your lives and asked what you should be learning from it. I know I have. And while we think of these times, we mostly bring up the times when things have gone horribly wrong. But, in truth, we should also consider times when things have gone perfectly right as well.
April 29, 2016
I got in touch with my student today that I did some major energy work on.
April 19, 2016
I saw one of my students today that has been ill since October. She has been to doctors and more doctors. She was at the end of her rope, and thought she would take a shot in the dark and come see if I could do anything.
February 15, 2016
I had a lady walk in and ask about Reiki classes. After I had talked with her a while, she asked me if I knew any good psychics in the area.
February 2, 2016
Although this seems a month late, it has been on my mind since new years. Auld Lang Syne. We sing this at the crack of midnight every New Years Eve, but do we really know what it means.
February 1, 2016
I was answering some questions and doing some energy work for a client today, and she had the nicest comment.
January 10, 2016
When people get massage (or energy work), there is always a question of how good the therapist is, and what they do that draws you to them. What moves do they do that you like? Are they caring? Do they listen? How much of what they do is specific to your needs? Do they solely do a routine? Do they solely work off of intuition? What is the percentage of each?