Click on the dates to see the entire posting.
December 23, 2013
Wow. I finally got my name up in lights, or at least the company name. Today was sign day.
December 14, 2013
I watched Undercover Boss last night and decided I couldn’t keep my big fat mouth shut any longer. In this episode, the COO of Massage Heights went to several locations to see how her company was doing, and one of those locations was Jacksonville. The tag line was that she was in a contest to see if she should be awarded money to start her own franchise, and how she performed each of the jobs in this business would determine if she won.
December 9, 2013
I was talking to a friend yesterday, and she told me to think back 7 weeks. Yes, just seven weeks.
December 2, 2013
In a class last week, one of the students was having trouble with faith, more so believing that she actually had control and could make her desires happen. And she looked at me and told me how amazed she was that I could manifest everything like I did. It was proof that something like that could happen.
December 1, 2013
Crazy? Maybe. But it works.
November 2, 2013
A lot of things have come together for Caring Palms to be able to move into a new studio in the short amount of time available. There are points in this process where logic and reason seem to be left behind. There are points where there is no business reason, or business sense for this to happen. Yet it is.
November 1, 2013
As I sit here typing this, it still has not dawned on me the full impact of what is happening. The enormity of the things I have to do is staggering. Changes have to be made to business cards, flyers, the website. Last week, I left what I could have considered the safety and security of a familiar location with a known number of clients. But that place had its problems. Aside from the noises and equipment malfunctions, it was small, too small to hold decent sized classes. But it was comfy.
October 15, 2013
Crazy? Exciting? Unbelievable? Yes, all those words apply. I have been thinking of moving to a bigger, better place for two to three years now. And each time I think of it, or mention it, the thought gets pushed to the back of my mind or further where nothing ever gets done about it.
October 2, 2013
In all prospects, one needs focus, focus and visualization. To get something, to reach a goal, one needs to focus their energies on it. They also need to visualize it happening, to see, to feel the change as if it already happened. Caring Palms is going through a change. And as we have all heard before, the only constant is change. Change brings about growth, personally, physically, mentally, energetically. But one has to keep a focus on it. We need to keep looking at it with a positive eye and try to not let the fear that is within us overpower the possibilities that could be.
October 1, 2013
I am always telling people to have faith, to push forward, to make a leap. Now it is my turn, and guess what... just because I see what other people need, and can confidently tell them that if they get rid of their fear, they will get what they want, well, it is not that easy when doing it for yourself. I can look at myself and know what I need, and know what to do, yet clearing away that fear, that indecision is a lot harder than it looks when I am the one that needs to do it.
August 19, 2013
I did a reading for a friend today, and while it was not what I wanted, it was good enough to make her happy.
August 18, 2013
Had a surprise today. I had an impromptu house cleaning for a friend today.
July 26, 2013
I did a reading on a friend today as part of a trade we do (this is what she wanted). I have never gotten two people before.
July 21, 2013, Part 2
As to the entire demonstration, it was a rough night.
July 21, 2013, Part 1
Tonight, we did student demonstrations of mediumship. It was a crazy night, and a rough one for the people working. For this journal entry, I just want to talk about my performance, then I will come back and talk about the whole experience.
July 20, 2013, Part 2
Now, I have done nothing but healing since arriving Thursday afternoon. I have worked on several people each day for a few minutes here and there. I have either done energy work or massage compressions and pressing. I even did about 25 minutes of massage on the teacher when his back went out. But the type of healing we did today was out of this world.
July 20, 2013, Part 1
It was another interesting day at Stansted in Florida. Today, we did more Practical Mediumship and then we did Trance Healing. But because there is so much to talk about on each one, I will break it over two parts. This part deals with a very powerful reading I got to do.
July 19, 2013, Part 2
Today, we had several interesting classes, but finally, we got into a couple classes of Practical Mediumship.
July 19, 2013, Part 1
Today started this year’s Stansted in Florida mediumship seminar. Unfortunately, one of the teachers had to go back home to England due to a death in the family. But what was taught was a really new concept, and I really loved it.
July 3, 2013
I worked on the daughter of one of my clients today. It was an interesting session as I had to stop her from sparking.
June 6, 2013
A couple of days ago, something made me think of my friend and client. I texted her to ask how she was doing. She texted me back that she was going through another period of depression. In fact, it was so bad that her husband had wanted her to check back into the hospital that she had been in a few months ago for the same issue. I thought that my timing had been fortuitous, but then I realized that this came out of the blue so I knew spirit had intervened. We made some time for her to come see me, and that was today.
May 29, 2013
I had a client the other day that told me I was good, but could not figure out whether it was because of experience or talent. Actually, I like to think it is both.
May 24, 2013
I had a comment from a client today that I did not expect.
May 1, 2013
I had a client in today that has been having a lot of doubts about life, her business, and lots of other things. She came in wanting a reading. She left with a lot more.
Aprilt 14, 2013
One of my friends has been taking courses in hypnotism. She is trying to broaden her range so she can offer more things to her patients as well as attract more.
April 13, 2013
Now, what I got yesterday which I posted here was amazing. What was more amazing was how I got it.
April 12, 2013
When it says Libby’s, Libby’s, Libby’s on the label label label… was an advertising theme many years ago for a product line that came in a can. I guess they felt that repeating something three times would make it stick in people’s minds. But what about the labels we let others put on us... for whatever reason?
April 8, 2013
I was teaching someone astral projection (or as I lazily refer to it as AP) today, and we had some stunning results.
March 1, 2013
I did an interesting healing today where the client and I were really in synch, and I did not know it until after it was over.
February 28, 2013
We’ve heard many times that we are a product of our environment, and that is true. We are a culmination of everything that has happened in our lives, every experience, every pain, every heartache, every joy, every wonder. Everything that has happened has been to mold us and shape us into the being that we are today. That girl that turned you down for the big dance. That kid in the back in third grade that kept shooting spitballs at you. That first kiss. That new car. That pretty sunset sending colors all through the sky. Everything has helped form who we truly are. But why do we carry it all around with us?
February 27, 2013
See a penny. Pick it up. And all the day you’ll have good luck, but only if the coin’s face up.
February 26, 2013
The client I worked on yesterday walked in this morning, and she was not doing well. She told me that yesterday was magical, but the magic had gone away.
February 25, 2013
Last month, I did a ‘pay-it-forward’ after getting pulled out of the felgercarb that I was buried in. There were a tremendous amount of energies working. Over the last month, they have still been there, but they have faded a bit. I asked myself “Why can’t I have that much energy all the time?” The answer was that I can.
February 21, 2013
Well, while this is being written about a month after this occurred, it has to follow the entries of Darkness Descending and Light Rising, so it end up on this date.
February 20, 2013
While all this was going on, I needed to put out a newsletter. I felt that while I was so snowed under, I would not be able to come up with an article to go in it. Then lightning (or should I say spirit) struck.
February 19, 2013
I had looked into a lot of ways to counter what was being done and said. And I decided that they were not feasible.
February 18, 2013
Through this process, I was pointed to a book, “Feel the Fear... Go There Anyway”. After all, I have been dealing with fear.
February 17, 2013
I groveled in my darkness, seeing nothing, feeling nothing, fearing everything. I went into a meditation where I travelled to my core, my center. What I found there was a candle burning. Then darkness overtook me, and the candle went out. But there was still an ember, and that ember grew and relit the candle. There was still light there.
February 16, 2013
I was told many years ago that I wear my heart on my sleeve. I think that means that I put all of myself into everything I do, and that if something goes wrong, or is perceived wrong, I end up deeply hurt. The stuff that has been buzzing because of the comments that have been said have hurt deeply.
February 15, 2013
Caring Palms (and specifically me) has been under attack. The scope of the attack started small and then grew. What was said has had me questioning everything I do to the point that I was not very efficient. And although that has passed, the trauma at the time was huge.
February 14, 2013
It has been a while since I have written in this journal. Most of that comes from not too much spectacular happening (as I don’t want to keep filling it with the same things over and over again, like... hey I put up a shield today). But there has been something else keeping my attention... a trip down a tunnel of darkness.
January 12, 2013
I was in a two day seminar taught by Eamonn Downey when he said something that shocked me.